Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Popular Ways To Advertise Your Business Online | BetterNetworker ...


A Look at some popular and effective ways to advertise your business online and a great way that you can get paid just to advertise

Did you know that Online Advertising is a Trillion Dollar industry?

Google alone makes billions of dollars of profit and last year made over 2.7 Billion dollars in profits!

Advertising online in some form is of course essential if you have an online business and even if your business is based offline it can be a great way to reach out to more potential customers and prospects.

There are many ways to advertise your business online some are Free, which is great especially when you are starting out and there are of course many paid methods.


Some of the most popular methods of online advertising are

Google PPC ( Pay per click)

?Facebook Marketing

?Facebook PPC (pay per click)

?Video Marketing

?Solo ads

?Email Marketing

?Article Marketing


?Banner Advertising

Twitter Marketing


All of the above can be very effective when done correctly, but they can also be expensive or very time consuming.

For instance, Email marketing is not as effective and simple as it used to be thanks to many of the ISP (Internet Service Providers) increasing the strength of their spam filters, the deliver ability of you emails is not guaranteed. One way of ensuring better deliverability is too you a good email marketing service such as Aweber or Getresponse and make sure you use the double opt-in option, which makes the subscriber confirm that they want to receive you offers and emails so there is much less chance they will cry SPAM!

Some people use Traffic Exchanges to advertise their sites and affiliate offers, but personally I have found this to be a wast of my time and effort. I tried a few traffic exchange sites when I first started out online, but quickly realized that everybody is SELLING and Nobody is interested in Buying or looking to sign up for your offers.

Even paid options in Traffic exchanges got me very poor results and in my opinion all that time surfing and clicking could be spent on far more profitable activities. Plus you run the risk of having your attention diverted by all these shiny new offers that promise you a Magic Bullet that will guarantee you success online. If you are new to online marketing then it is so easy to go after one product or offer after another that promise you the world. In reality you end up succeeding at nothing and worse off than when you started!

If you have a limited budged you would be far better off to spend your time on the Social Network sites such as Facebook, Google, Pinterest etc. and start building relationships with people that are involved in Network Marketing, Online Marketing and any other Niches that you are involved with. Join groups that are relevant your business and interests and try to connect with at least 3 to 5 new people a day. If you go about this the right way you will be able to develop targeted and quality leads for your business.

Another very popular form of advertising that is used by all types of businesses from Multi-Billion Dollar companies to affiliate marketers and every one in between is Banner Advertising.

You can see these brightly coloured, eye catching adverts on nearly every web-page you visit. You may even have some of these Banner Adverts on your own website or Blog.

These type of adverts look great and can make a website more attractive and interesting. They are clickable allowing the person that clicks to be taken to your desired web-page which could be a sales page or better still a capture page where you can get their name, email address and possibly their phone number too.

The only drawback with banner adverts is that they can take a lot of impressions (views) before they are clicked upon so they really only perform well on websites with high traffic but not so well if they are on a blog or website that is fairly new and doesn't get a high volume of traffic.

For best performance they also need to Contextually and Geographically Targeted which means they should be displayed on websites in the correct niche and in the area of the world that relates to your business. This can be global if your business is online, but if you only have customers in a certain country or city then you will only want your ads to display on relevant websites in those Areas.

Banner advertising can also be very expensive if you want to pay to have your ads displayed on highly trafficed sites, so this is not always an option for people starting out who may have a limited budget.

Most of the advertising methods I use are free or cost very little, I mainly use the Social Networking sites Facebook and Twitter, blogging, and article marketing and sharing my content the Better Networker sites. In addition I have recently found a company called Banners Broker that actually pays me to advertise with them

Yes.. you read that correctly and it may sound strange and a little unbelievable but they really do!

I get my banner adverts placed on targeted and highly trafficked websites and I make a passive income even if no one joins my primary business or buys my offers I still make an Income from the advertising that I have bought. To me this is an absolute no brainer and a win win situation.

I have to admit that it sounds a little too good to be true, but I did my due diligence and found nothing but positive reports and praise for this company. Now I have experienced the positive results for myself I have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending this as a way to advertise your business and create an additional stream of income.

Please Click this link to find out more by watching the Free presentation

I am not going to venture into more detail here I will leave that for another article in which I will review this company.

You will find some excellent ways to advertise and build your business if you watch these

Free Building on a budget Videos by Mike Dillard

Wishing You Success With Your? Online Advertising

Sarah Smile


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