Tuesday, October 16, 2012

90% Robot & Frank

All Critics (77) | Top Critics (31) | Fresh (69) | Rotten (8)

"Robot & Frank" hits all the right notes - romantic, fantastic, tragic and sweet.

There's a warm and poignant interplay between the co-stars.

Langella ... is tremendous.

It may not seem like an even playing field pitting an actor as powerfully intense as Frank Langella opposite a robot, but that's the game plan behind the waywardly endearing, slightly futuristic fantasy Robot & Frank.

Much of Robot & Frank is (frankly) resistible, including the climactic narrative twist, but there is also a likeable oddness that transcends the sentimental contrivance.

An endearing movie about a human and his mechanical new buddy.

An hysterically funny, breathlessly paced and moving meditation on old age and existence, topped by an award-worthy turn from Frank Langella. One of the year's best.

Jake Schreier and scriptwriter Christopher Ford go well beyond the initial fun of the robot conceit to craft a thoughtful film musing on both the ageing process and our relationship with technology.

A little gem of a movie about aging and obsolescence that is also a very modest sci-fi cautionary tale.

... a marvel of the highest order. Robot and Frank manages to seamlessly blend comedy, science fiction and drama into a film that is hilarious, truly original and utterly heartfelt

This blend of sentiment and genre fancy is not unlike something Ray Bradbury might have contrived for The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction.

Robot & Frank is an airy, engaging flight of fancy. It's also part caper film, part character study, and part allegory about aging. Robot & Frank shouldn't work, but it does.

..never hits the easy and obvious beats of a buddy comedy; there's no sentimental bonding between man and mecha man. Similarly, though it feints toward romance, the relationship ... resolves in an unexpectedly bittersweet way.

"Robot & Frank" is a study of a man who lives with his past mistakes but can't shake how truly alive they made him feel when he was making them, regardless of what they cost him.

Hodgepodge of moods built around an unlikely story of friendship between a man and his service robot, the film carries itself confidently, with occasional moments of significant emotion.

They get the robot right, with fluid movement (by dancer Rachael Ma) and canned warmth in its user-friendly voice (performed by Peter Sarsgaard).

What a weird, winning little movie is Robot & Frank.

The chief spectacle here -- and it's a good one -- is Langella in gruff, curdled mode, an underappreciated master actor slipping seamlessly into a bespoke role.

"Robot & Frank" is so endearing it's easy to forget it's science fiction.

The movie is sweet and agreeably unambitious, derailed only by an egregious third-act twist.

Frank Langella gives a terrific performance as the second of the two title characters in this modest but heartfelt science-fiction comedy.

There's no denying the, err, chemistry between Langella and his nameless buddy.

Amusing and ingratiating, leaving a bittersweet afterglow

More Critic Reviews

Source: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/robot_and_frank/

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